
Different Types of Skin Disease I Skin Specialist Near Me


Skin diseases are as diverse as they are prevalent, affecting millions of people worldwide. From chronic conditions like psoriasis and eczema to acute infections and serious concerns like skin cancer, the spectrum of dermatological issues can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. We fight the root causes of skin conditions, not just the symptoms, for lasting improvement.

Top derms and advanced tech tackle all your skin concerns at Loh & Celine Skin Specialist Clinic. We are board-certified dermatology clinic .  

We emphasise a personalised approach to dermatology, ensuring that each patient receives treatment tailored to their specific needs. We stay ahead of the curve in skin health research to provide you with the most effective and innovative Pico Laser treatments available.

Whether you are dealing with a persistent skin condition that has resisted standard treatments, or you are seeking a diagnosis for a new skin issue, Loh & Celine Clinic is here to help. We handle common and complex skin conditions at Loh & Celine Clinic. By choosing Loh & Celine Clinic, you are taking a vital step towards restoring your skin’s health and your confidence.

Common Chronic Skin Conditions

1. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterised by thick, red, scaly patches on the skin. These patches are often itchy and painful and can appear anywhere on the body. According to the World Psoriasis Day consortium, psoriasis affects over 125 million people worldwide. This widespread prevalence underscores the need for effective treatment strategies, which are a specialty at Loh & Celine Clinic. Our clinic offers various treatments including topical treatments, phototherapy, and systemic medications tailored to the severity of the condition and the patient’s lifestyle.

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2. Eczema

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic condition that makes the skin red and itchy. It’s particularly common in children, but can occur at any age. The National Eczema Association reports that eczema affects approximately 31.6 million Americans. The condition can significantly impact daily life, leading to sleep disturbances and a heightened risk of infections. Treatments at Loh & Celine Skin Specialist Clinic range from medical-grade moisturisers and topical steroids to advanced therapies like biologics, all customised to the patient’s specific symptoms and triggers. Link:

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3. Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting not just teenagers but adults too, with significant numbers experiencing adult-onset acne. Research indicates that up to 50% of adults aged 20-40 suffer from low-grade acne and oily skin. Acne can persist into middle age, affecting up to 15% of women. At Loh & Celine Skin Specialist Clinic, we utilise a combination of treatments, including hormonal therapy, retinoids, and lasers, to provide effective solutions for persistent acne.

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Infectious Skin Diseases

1. Fungal Infections

Fungal infections of the skin are common and include conditions like athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm. These infections are typically marked by itchy, red, and sometimes painful rashes. The prevalence of fungal infections is significant, with athlete’s foot alone affecting approximately 15-25% of the world population at any given time. Loh & Celine Skin Specialist Clinic offers comprehensive fungal diagnostics and treatment options, including topical antifungals and, in severe cases, oral medications.

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2. Bacterial Infections

Bacterial skin infections can range from mild (like impetigo) to severe (such as cellulitis). These infections require prompt treatment to prevent systemic spread and complications. Impetigo, for instance, is highly contagious and commonly affects children, though adults are not immune. Precise tests identify the culprit bacteria. We then target the infection with effective, personalised antibiotics.

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3. Viral Infections

Viral skin infections, including herpes simplex, shingles, and warts, pose distinct challenges due to their nature and the way they interact with the immune system. Shingles, for example, affects 1 in 3 people in the United States over their lifetime, leading to painful rash outbreaks that can be highly debilitating. We offer antiviral treatments and vaccines to manage and prevent outbreaks, providing relief and improving the quality of life for our patients.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


At Loh & Celine Skin Specialist Clinic, your skin health is our top priority. We understand the complexities of skin diseases and the profound effect they can have on your life. That’s why we’re committed to offering tailored,  effective treatments that address not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes of your skin condition. Our clinic combines advanced medical technology with the expertise of our dedicated dermatologists to ensure the best care possible.

We invite you to take charge of your skin health. Loh & Celine Clinic treats chronic conditions, skin cancer concerns, and acute infections. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your skin concerns with our specialists. Visit our website or call us directly to book your appointment and start your journey to healthier, clearer skin.